Roses are Red


I mentioned a few days ago in my post with all the indigo Bluebonnets that Three Heel Clicks is now going to be also a resource for anxiety. One of the things I found about anxiety is that when you have a purpose it makes it a lot easier to glide it over the speed bumps of anxiety. So today I’m gonna share a little bit with you about a big piece of how I went from having constant panic attacks and living in a world of chaos to a clear, focused mindset.

Seems like the whole world changing at a rapid rate and now it’s such an important time for you to hold strong to your truths. If you don’t know what your truths are a challenge this week to look at what your values include. and what is important in your life no matter what happens in the rest of the world. Then I challenge you to write down where you’re headed over the next year. Who is that person? What does that life look like? Where do you see yourself in one year? Five years? Ten years? What about 20 years?


As this process unfolded, I discovered how important it was for me to experience creativity on a regular basis. I can’t just be a person appear productivity, I also needed to put things in my life to cultivate that creativity - even if they take a little bit more time. For instance, I absolutely love taking photographs of flowers but that’s not always something with very profitable for me. I have a choice: I either find a way to make it profitable or have choose to do it for the sole purpose of joy. I take the pictures! In fact, almost daily. I love them. They bring me gratitude and joy. 

It’s your turn now!! What are you going to do differently this week to move just one step closer to your dream life?