30 Days of Outfits: Day 8

Dress: MoHill (available on Amazon) // Shoes: Jenn Ardor (also available on Amazon) // Earrings: Pandora Official // Necklace: Vintage // Belt: Amazon // Purse: Vintage (similar here)

Happy Thursday friends! December is flying by at a ridiculous rate. Have you finished all of your Christmas shopping? I have most of it done, but I am looking for a few last-minute things. If you are still in need of ideas check out my Holiday Shop which has tons of Gift Guides. For today’s look, I am sharing this beautiful black lace off the shoulder dress. The lace isn’t itchy at all which is huge for me. I have super sensitive skin and love that this one is comfy. You can wear it off-the-shoulder or on the shoulders. I belted it with this $13 black belt which instantly slims almost any dress giving you an hourglass shape. I added these pretty studs I bought last Spring when I was in Vegas for an event. They also would make a great present for any gal with her ears pierced since they are such a classic design. I layered a vintage statement necklace on it and then topped everything off with these festive metallic heels from Jenn Ardor. You can shop the entire look here!

Also, if you have not joined my free community on Facebook called Beauty From Within then you must! It’s filled with tons of beauty, lifestyle, and mental health tips. Lots and lots of motivation and a great group that you can interact with! I look forward to seeing you there and make sure you shoot me a DM when you join!

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