Word of the Year for 2021: Abundance
Once upon a time there was a girl who was very scared. She spent a big part of her life trying to constantly please others. Despite all of her efforts she realized to find true happiness she would need to make her own path. So she packed up and drove away to embark upon a journey of coming into her own. She ended up 600 miles away from home and realized in this moment she could call forth a new idea in her life - ABUNDANCE. For the past four years I’ve themed my year around a single word. In 2018 I chose the word Health following 2017 where I ended up with pneumonia and had repeated panic attacks. In 2019 I chose the word Simplicity because I felt I lacked discernment and purpose in my life. Last year I chose the word Explode and I can’t even count how many ways my life exploded. For 2021 I am calling forth Abundance in my life.
The word “Abundance” is stated in the dictionary “a very large quantity of something.” For some abundance means prosperity or having more things. I seek an abundance of faith. For years I struggled with doubt and limiting beliefs. To obtain the next level in my life, I seek abundant faith. If you break the concept of faith down it’s knowing something is available and attainable without having already seen it. It’s the dream behind the magic of life. It’s the creative thought process and hope to aspire to higher ideas. I seek abundance with the foundation that my faith is bigger than my fears.
If you can’t dream it, you can do it. When I get into moments of self-doubt I remind myself that people have defined the laws of gravity with aerospace engineering. Women living on wel-fare have pushed forward to become CEO worth hundreds of million dollars. Jesus and Peter walked on water in the bible. There are miracle examples everywhere. To obtain abundance I put my beliefs down on paper and share with as many people who will listen as possible. I call forth every good thing I can to move away from a doubt filled mind and into a place of peace. Change your mind and you can change your whole life. Where my time was once spent over analyzing every possible outcome of situations I experience, I now spend time living in my gifts, sharing my purpose and calling forth my future.
And let me tell you - it’s been the most refreshing era of my life. Are all days perfect? Absolutely not! But I seek progress over perfection and there is so much joy in the process. What about you? If you could call forth something in 2021, what would you choose? What word will you theme your life around this year? How can you implement that concept in your daily, weekly and monthly planning? Write it down and every single day move one baby step closer!
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