Country Drive For A Little Connection to the Outside World


With gas being at an all time low I thought it would be the perfect occasion to go for a little Sunday drive yesterday to snap a few photos. Although it ended up raining so fashion photos weren’t happening - I decided to celebrate by just enjoying the beauty of blankets of bluebonnet flowers standing at attention. I wondered to myself how could I find ways like this to still get out and roam? Some of you out there are also nomadic like myself. You get the itch if you stay out too long.


Wanderlust should be my name. I have learned how to pair down so that I could be more transient. It’s freeing to be able to live out of suitcases. I will continue doing more of these days trips to pretty areas. Avoiding anywhere people congregate. I’ll make it a point to get out every evening at sunset.

I talked about something important over on my personal page on Facebook: mental health. Being someone who started homeschooling at beginning of the year and who experienced months of being in a cabin with no car in the rural mountains I get the importance of mental health. So I shared a few tips that can be implemented today.


You must keep feeding your mind, body and soul positive things constantly over the next few months. This is a key in thriving over just surviving. Spend hours a day being productive and positive no matter what. Lead your home the way you would lead your office workspace. So many of you own your own businesses - run your home!! You can do it! Click the button below to connect with me on Facebook for more tips!

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