Under Construction


The title and location of this post is fitting for where I stand right now in life. I’m in between to eras of my life leaving tons of room for growth and opportunity while discarding situations that no longer serve my purpose in life. Being under construction is interesting to say the least - kind of demmoralizing when you are building and revamping a new life. Are any of you in the same place? Not quite moved into your new life, but you’ve left the old one? If so, then read on my friends! Here are a few ways I handling the transitional phase.


Begin with Gratitude

At the end of last year I was so frustrated in my business. The holidays were pretty rough for me this year in many ways and I remember going to a fellow sideline sister within my company. After I spilled all the things I was doing, then she simply asked, “How often are you practicing gratitude?” I went completely silent. I had to admit I wasn’t being grateful. In pretty much any area of my life. I wasn’t being malicious or selfish… I just wasn’t seeing the positive because I let my frustrations bleed over into my decisions. I immediately starting writing down what I was grateful for daily. I now try to end my day by listing off three postive things. I think it helps to write them down and be able to reflect on them. My days do not feel as unfruitful because I can see the positive right there. No matter what your situation is, you can find an are to rejoice. One of the things I discovered in practicing gratitude is that when we are grateful we are not anxious or worried. Gratitude can’t exist with anxiety… the two are opposites.

Set One Big Goal Daily

One thing I absolutely HAVE to do now to keep myself sane is pick one goal everyday and no matter what I tackle! You also better believe I write in my gratitude journal how grateful I was to cross that one thing off my list! The key to success is baby steps. The key to getting anywhere is baby steps. If I hit one goal every single day that’s 365 goals I crossed off my list each year!!! It compounds when you do a little everyday. I usually figure my goal out the night before so I wake up with purpose and a plan. Then, I ensure that no matter what - I accomplish that day. Once that is tackled I feel like I am free to work on other things. Simple attainable goal setting makes achieving said goal manageable.


Craft a Vision

Do you know that most companies and corporations of size spend months deciding on a theme for the following year? Why do you think that’s so important? Well, if you don’t have a vision, it’s a challenge to get to where you are going. You don’t have to iron out every detail but making sure you have a general idea of where you want to go over the next year really helps making progress in getting there! Start with a Pinterest board or go old fashioned and create a poster board. If you have family members involved in your household get them to chime in and add something to the board! Craft your vision and you can begin crafting your life. Think about the experiences you want to provide and fulfill. Remember, you are in control of your destiny… but to drive to your purpose you will need to have a roadmap to get there!


Anything in this lifetime is achievable with enough resources. Give yourself the care and attention you give to others. Craft your life so it’s purpose driven instead of living in reaction mode. If you want to see the world, find a way to save up to travel. If you want to build that dream house, get yourself a posterboard and start cutting and pasting. If you want a better body, mind or heart - put it on paper and then work towards improving yourself! I know you can… just just have to take a baby step.
