We're Pregnant!

Three Heel Clicks - We're Pregnant!

It’s crazy to think it’s been 10 weeks since we found out we are pregnant and it has been the wildest ride of emotions! We found out right at week 4 when I missed my period and couldn’t believe it. I haven’t talked about it as much on the blog, but if you follow my journey on Instagram or Facebook you will see that Marshall and I have had a hell of a year. He came down with a virus last year and we spent most of 2022 getting him back to health. It was a really long journey but I’m so grateful to God that we made it through only to find out we would be having a kiddo together! What a blessing!

This pregnancy started with a whirlwind of feelings. When we found out we had just settled into our new home and were still unpacking tons of boxes. In the beginning, I felt like something was just off. One of the first signs was that my dog, Violet kept following me around the house no matter what time of day it was. She was super clingy and I remember other people telling me that cats and dogs oftentimes can sense pregnancy. Sure enough, after missing my period I knew it was time to take a test. I headed over to the local Walgreens and grabbed this one. It had two lines instead of one and I knew it. I still decided to take two more including one that would read “Pregnant.”

We began researching various options around how we would have the baby. Marshall and I have both had our fair share of unpleasant hospital and doctor experiences so we elected to meet with a midwife. I am going to have the baby naturally (barring any complications) and looking forward to doing a waterbirth! If you have had a natural birth (no epidural or hospital) I’d love to hear about your experiences. We are looking forward to this next era in life and to the expansion of our family.

-All my love, Crystal

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