Spring Blooms in Sacramento's State Capitol Park

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I’ll be unveiling little pieces of this past week’s trip to Sacramento but I wanted to kick things off with a few thoughts this week. You may have noticed I’ve been talking more and more lately about self care and self love. From topics like seeking purpose to taking life slower I came to a halting stop in my life last September when panic attacks were hitting me multiple times a day and I felt like I had no direction in life. I share this, because as I’ve been working on better maintenance I came to understand many of us share those same feelings.

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Things started improving as I made a schedule every day, exercised daily, ate healthier and gave my body more rest. Then, last week happened. I thought I could surely handle 10 days of traveling alone with my kiddo. I thought I had it all under control… but I did not stick to my routine for a chunk of my trip. Suddenly, I began to feel overwhelmed and realized finally I needed to get more help when I returned. It was a huge roadblock. A huge setback you may say, but the loved ones around me all told me setbacks aren’t failures and that I could get back on track. So I started back on my schedule today. I have scheduled counseling and a good plan. I have small goals that aren’t overwhelming. But most of all I have a support system.

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If you feel like life is spinning out of control again, it’s okay to reach out. I always felt so prideful doing so, but it’s a good thing. In fact, those around you will probably tell you that they are glad you did. It’s hard to admit we can’t do everything. It’s hard to say we feel incredibly sad or regretful. But, there are always new beginnings. You’re not down, you’re not out, you aren’t a failure… you are a person. You can make amends, you can work on being better and you can accept your weaknesses. Most of all, you can be honest with yourself. I’ll be the first to say that for years I was not honest at all with myself. That topic is still a work in progress. But day by day, I’ll do better and if I have setbacks I’ll get things on track.

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Okay so onto the more fun stuff! Today’s post is all about the beautiful park right outside of the Capitol in Sacramento. This was a lovely weather week and we decided to get out and see the Camillas, roses and blooms that were opening all over the park. There is the prettiest rose garden right there in the heart of the city. After strolling around the city we spotted a gelato truck right in front of the walk way leading up to the Capitol. I immediately ran to the truck like a kid after school. Luciano’s scoop is something not to miss if you are in the Sacramento area. I ate the matcha green tea and the rest of my family chose the oreo cookies ‘n cream. With the sun in full shine and not a cloud in the sky, gelato was just the thing for a warm weather day.

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The leggings I am featuring here is a newly discovered brand called Ziya. One of my friends is a rep for them and had a party where we could try on sizing, order right there on the spot, and socialize. I ordered the rose colored 7/8” length and the most adorable sports bra. You can shop all of their products here! They are made by the same manufacturer as Lululemon wear but about a third of the cost. Let me tell you about these leggings… they’ve been worn about 4 times in two weeks. From yoga to dressing them up for sight seeing they are my new favorite pair of pants. They fit true to size, although I would size up if you are busty in a sports bra.

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I added rose colored scarf, zip up hoodie and periwinkle accessories. My Longchamp bag has been so useful during my travels and one of my favorite buys for this year. I added a pair of platform lace sneakers and sunnies for the finishing touches. You can’t really go wrong with an athleisure look and a scarf for sight seeing. I was comfortable and it was easy to just remove the scarf as the afternoon temperatures rose a little.

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I’ll be sharing some upcoming posts this week finishing the last bit of Galveston and then more on Sacramento. I’ve been working since January on getting you guys a full Sacramento Guide and I think I’m pretty close to finishing (fingers crossed). What would you guys like to know about Sacramento? I’ll be happy to include any recommendations I’ve come across!

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Have you been to Northern California? If so, what was your favorite sight?

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