Summer Whites

Three Heel Clicks - Summer Whites

All photography done by beautiful and talented Jaime Waters

The past few weeks have been a blur for myself. Since I returned from my summer road trip, I’ve had things on full throttle helping my parents move and then myself get into a new home.. It’s been challenging, but also rewarding as I’ve packed countless boxes. Last weekend I had the movers come and gather up my apartment for the big transition. It feels like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders to be completely moved into my new place. Although change is exciting, it’s also extra stress and so important to make sure to give yourself time to decompress throughout the process. You can check out the new place over on my Instagram here if you want a little peek as I’ve been getting things together.

Three Heel Clicks - Summer Whites

What does Summer mean to you? I’ve been working on savoring each season in life over the past few years. I think people are constantly looking ahead or behind instead of staying present which creates anxiety. To stay in the present, I find myself focusing on activities the bring me joy for that season. I love spending the weekends taking a dip in the pool, walking around historic downtown and popping into antique shops, and spending the afternoon taking a nap during the hot part of the day. All of these things add up to create a life of joy. What activities bring you joy? Is it playing with your kids in the sprinkler on the front lawn? Is it dipping your toes in the water on the beach? What about making a fresh bed with linens hung outdoors on the clothes line? All of these little activities combined make for a season of happiness and purpose.

Three Heel Clicks - Summer Whites

As we wind down with the second half of summer I felt like it was the perfect time to pull out some of my favorite white pieces. Being from the south, classic white cotton eyelet lace is a practical and pretty textile that’s easy to keep clean. Throw the item in the washer and line dry for the best results. White cotton pieces are worn time and time again throughout the years and my go to for getting dressed quickly. I’ve rounded up a ton of pieces below for you to shop ranging from high end to Amazon finds under $20. Whatever your budget is you can find quality pieces in your budget.

Three Heel Clicks - Summer Whites
Three Heel Clicks - Summer Whites

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