Girl's Day in Salado While We Talk About Body Positivity

I have a confession… this post idea came over a year ago when Tiffany and I first teamed up to talk about body positivity. Tiffany is an incredible mom and we spent a ton of time these past few years supporting each other on social media. Although we had a lot of friends in common, we actually met on Instagram and just connected through each other’s profiles. Over the years a friendship was developed and we’ve touched on so many subjects. This time we teamed up to share with you our viewpoints on mental health, style, and body positivity.

Last weekend we met in Salado, Texas at Greenfield Coffee to catch up and shoot these incredible dresses from friends at Wneedu on Amazon. They sent us each a dress to share with you! We both picked out our colors to fit our own personalities. I chose a bold leopard colorway and Tiffany went with a beautiful shade of deep mauve. Great style is available for everyone. No matter what your age or body type you have when you walk with confidence in your own skin a new sense of style seems to follow. That’s one of the things I love about our conversations! Tiffany and I both grew up in similar situations where we constantly received criticism. Over time that developed into a negative mindset and unhealthy habits. As we both evolved, we discovered that health begins in your mindset. What you feed your mind and allow yourself to be around affects your physical health. Both of us overcame the criticism we experienced in prior parts of our lives and live a life full of healthy habits now!

If you are currently struggling with your own mindset around giving your body basic things like rest, nourishment, movement, affirmations, and self-care… then you need to enroll immediately in my GLOW UP COURSE! It’s on sale right now for 20% off! The course will give you the tools you are lacking to get your life back to a place where you glow from the inside out!