How to Improve Your Body Image

Years ago I struggled with having an unhealthy viewpoint of my body. I grew up in an environment where I was oftentimes criticized about my body shape by one of my major role models and was told things like… “you have full thighs,” “if you keep eating cheese you’ll be fat…”, “your derrière is big.”

Looking back at my pictures I was NOT ever at any point overweight as a child but I did have a different body shape than my younger sister. Of course, I would be different, I’m adopted. However, the critical words I hear regularly throughout my childhood burned into my mind and shaped an unhealthy thinking pattern.

I remember being ten years old and reading about weight loss in Reader’s Digest. By age 12, I was constantly concerned about eating and remember counting my calories and trying to skip things like mayo on my sandwiches. By the time I made it to High School, I was practicing ballet, tap, jazz, and hip hop almost daily after school and constantly hungry from burning so many calories… yet I’d go without breakfast or lunch many days so that I wouldn’t put on any extra weight.

This entire perspective was extremely unhealthy. I’ve sought to teach my daughter to be healthy but healthy comes in different shapes. As she enters her teenage years I’ve been patient with the fact that her body will undergo a ton of changes and getting daily exercises and fresh produce in her diet is the goal… not skipping meals.

Fast forward to today… I’ve had to spend a lot of extra time giving myself affirmations. Every time I shoot swimwear or lingerie for vendors I remind myself that curves are beautiful. Everybody's shape is beautiful! I try to change the first thought that’s naturally negative when I photograph to something positive.

Over time it’s become a practice and that practice has led to internal liberation. I do NOT let the words of my former critical role model prevent me from shining bright.

Curious… have any of you experienced struggles with body positivity?

If so here are three things you can do to change it:

1. Practice gratitude for healthy meals every time you eat! Eat small meals throughout the day to keep your blood sugar stable and reach for as much produce, lean meats, and whole grains as possible.

2. Allow yourself treats! There’s literally nothing wrong with a croissant or a piece of chocolate from time to time. As you eat it, use more gratitude and really savor it!

3. Write daily affirmations about your body and then say them as you look in the mirror. Change the thought patterns!

You can do hard things! Keep going because you were meant to shine bright. If you are looking for help with your body image, check out my GLOW UP course! A two-day course designed to help you with the codes to feeling like a total Goddess!

All my love, Crystal

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