Three Tips for Managing Your Sanity at Work

Dress: Nina Leopard // Shoes: Jessica Simpson Collection

Whether you work from home or have returned to the office, mental health concerns are still on the rise. Things are just different than they were pre COVID. There’s no denying we live in a different world than two years ago. However, no matter what shape things are in, we can still find ways to connect with our coworkers, create a space and environment we love working in, and enjoy our time doing the things that pay the bills. Although I am a work-from-home employee, in recent months my company has been pushing more face-to-face meetings and company events. Our home office employees have returned as have many of my friends. In a very uncertain time, I find it’s best to stay positive and realistic. Understanding that things are going to remain dynamic as we continue to navigate a pandemic and just take it one day at a time because nothing is set in stone. Here are a few ways I’m managing my sanity as I go back to see people face to face.

Get Plenty of Rest

First and foremost if you want to look and feel your best you are going to need enough rest. If you were one of those who struggled to get to bed at a decent time while you were working from home and now have to wake up at the crack of dawn to be somewhere… you may want to adjust your bedtime and get a little extra rest. Lack of sleep contributes to an alarming number of problems from auto accidents to altercations and rising tension. Make sure you give your body downtime and enough sleep so you can adequately take on each day. If you recently made the transition of going back to work after being home for an extended period of time, realize it’s going to take some adjusting and initially your body might feel more fatigue. You may want to consider minimizing evening activities for a few months until you feel like you are back in the swing of things. Check out a few other healthy tips in this post!

Plan Your Meals

The first thing to go out the window when making life changes is oftentimes what we eat. Meals at home is quickly replaced by skipping breakfast because you are in a hurry to get out the door and lunch on the run. Just like rest, your body needs fuel to fire up each day. Map out a few easy grab-and-go lunches you can take with you at the beginning of the week. Also, make a shortlist on your phone with a few ideas of healthy options you can eat near your office if you have to do lunch out. I love grabbing a large salmon or cobb salad at nice restaurants. If you prefer sandwiches or wraps, then plot out a few so you don’t have to worry about making a decision when you are hungry. Another go-to for myself is guacamole and tortilla soup at a mexican food restaurant instead of queso and enchiladas. You’ll feel better for the rest of the afternoon if you give yourself lighter options filled with nutrients.

Listen to Something Positive as You Commute

Just as you should feed your body nutrition, you should also feed your mind positive words. I really love listening to my favorite podcasts on the way to meetings or even when I go for a good walk. I also subscribe to Audible to listen to personal development books. For some, music really helps! Whatever it is you need to hear, being positive begins with how you talk to yourself and what you choose to let influence you. Commuting doesn’t have to feel like a time-waster if you use it as a mechanism for personal growth and development! Right now I’m listening to Brene Brown’s, Dare to Lead. If you are looking for more books you can check out this post with some favorite recommendations on books to grow. What you feed your mind will impact the quality of your work and your overall mindset!

You can make your transition back to work a positive experience when you give your mind, body, and soul the things it needs to be healthy. Refreshing your work wardrobe, office space, or making sure you are organized allows me to thrive not just survive the day! I’d love to hear tips from you! Feel free to leave a comment about how you are managing work whether it’s from home or back on site!

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