Do What You Love Every Single Day

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The past few months have been by the far the most transformative months in my life. I wrote a little about the past three years in my last post, but the past few months I have grown in a new light. I reached a point where the universe gave me the opportunity to pair up with someone and grow with them. In the course of this healing process, I broke free from generational ties, limiting beliefs and began doing exactly what I loved every single day. I believe we attract what we get. I believe that you can have the life of your dreams. I believe that the universe supports you when you give love. I believe that the greatest of all the gifts we receive is the power to go within. I also believe that you can have, be and do anything given enough time and resources.

My life looks different than it ever has. My heart is full on a daily basis. I feel the light flowing throughout my body. I approach every situation differently than I did in the past. I am constantly calling forth the highest version of myself and to think of others in their highest light. If you feel like something is missing and you are in a place that just doesn’t bring you joy daily… you can change it.

I am here as living proof that you have the power to have the life of your dreams. I am here as living proof that miracles do exist and God is so big. I am here to give you permission to do what you love every single day. That’s the whole point of this life… to be fully who we already are.

I’m launching a course next week called Glow Up! It will cover the basics of building a foundation so that you make time for YOU. I can’t wait to see you there! Doors open 10/10 but tickets are on pre-sale here! You will walk away from this two-day course with a fresh outlook on your own life!

XOXO Crystal