Making Magical Moments

Location: Research Park, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX

When this blog was initially created, I set out to share the magic that happened in my life on a daily basis. I had no idea at the blog would become my life story a decade later. I seek every single day to find magical moments. Life is busy. There’s so much happening. Slowing down in the mornings and evenings has given me the ability to discover more magic. Sometimes it’s how the sky lights up at sunset on a walk with the cool breeze blowing across the grass. Sometimes it’s the light wind rustling in trees and the way they look like pieces of lace overlapping one another against a blue background. Sometimes it’s the giggles of my daughter or the jokes we make on our drives together. Seeking magic every day is what makes life sweeter. Here are a few ways to make each day special…

Note what Brings You Joy

“All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” - Stephen King, The Shining

You have to have PLAY for a healthy life. When was the last time you felt like you were shining with happiness? What were you doing? What activities bring you joy? For myself, it’s long walks, painting, preparing or eating an amazing meal, traveling to new places, and spending time in nature. Rinse and repeat. I love picnics, creating art, spending time connecting with people I love, and moving my body. Whenever I do any of these activities I am filled with better energy and more peace. If I want to spend more time in that state of mind, I have to continue to do the activities that produce this feeling.

Block Out Time Daily, weekly and monthly

If you want to get something accomplished, you have to schedule a time to do so. For example, you want to make a magical meal complete with the presentation of food and a beautiful table. Well, you’ll need to block off a few hours for preparation, the meal, and clean up. Think about ways you can make it the most enjoyable experience possible with the least amount of stress. Then, block it out and execute it. It may be something you can only do once a week and on the other days, you simply take a walk or meditate. Blocking out time no matter how big or small will ensure you have made intentional room in your life for joy. Once a month I like to block a day off and go do an activity I’ve been really interested in. Sometimes it’s a couple hour hike that requires an overnight trip. Other times it’s making a drive out to the farmer’s market that I love. Each month, I do something to feed my soul.

Make Sure You Decompress

It’s hard to feel anything magical if you are wiped out. Make sure you are getting as much rest as you can when you can. I wish I could have told my younger self this. I used to go a million miles a minute only to later wipe myself completely out. Now, I seek more balance. I nap when I’m tired. I build time in between and actually sit down for meals. I try to give myself a few minutes in bed to relish in sweet memories or visualize where my life is headed. Without decompressing I cannot show up to the rest of life the way I want to. I challenge you to look at your day. How much time are you spending in joy? How much time are you playing? How much time are you resting? Choose one area you can improve on and make it a focus for the month of June.

As we wrap up, remember you can change anything you want to change in your life. Make small choices. Focus on what’s important. Keep showing up. You got this!

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