The Drink That Keeps Me Going on Long Hikes

Three Heel Clicks - The Drink that Keeps Me Going on Long Hikes

Sports Bra: Aerie // Shorts: Amazon // Backpack: Amazon // Boots: Merrell

Location: Cameron Park, Waco, TX

Wow! I cannot believe it’s been almost two weeks since I wrote the last post on here. It’s been kind of a blur. Something really life-changing took place last week and created a positive shift in my life. I’ll be sharing more about the experience in the coming weeks, but one thing I’ve learned is to take some time to the first process. That’s exactly what I did yesterday. I took a few hours and went a few miles to clear my head and combat the stress I was feeling. Stress is stress even if it’s positive. When big things in life hit, give yourself a little breathing room. It’s okay. You don’t have to have all the answers. You’ll be able to work things out, but for now just process. I loaded up my backpack with water and snacks, grabbed my boots, and set off with my Mojo coffee in hand for an afternoon of getting lost in nature. It was so healing! Every time I do this, I come back as a better human being.

Cameron Park, Waco TX

I am a big believer that we are what we consume. If you watch, eat, drink and consume things that are toxic your life will in turn feel toxic. If you consume wholesome things with nourishment, the body processes everything better. I recently fell in love with Tranont’s Mojo Coffee. It’s packed with essential B vitamins and made with Brazillian coffee beans. You can grab it in a scoop form or on-the-go packets. I mix mine with Stevia and almond milk and pour it over ice at home. If I’m on the go, I add it to half a bottle of water with 1 packet of stevia. It’s soooooo good! It gives me energy, focus helps suppress appetite, and helps maintain a healthy weight. You can grab it here alone or in a starter pack for additional discounts! I love that it’s back with a 30-day guarantee and is plant-based!

Cameron Park - Waco - TX

I’m curious if you have ever been to Waco, TX? It’s about two hours from my house if I take country roads and makes such a fun little day trip or even afternoon trip! Right along the riverbank is this random bamboo forest and hiking/mountain biking trails. It’s literally miles and miles of hills you can climb. I hiked the California 56 trail all the way up to Buzzard’s Overlook. It’s a great view and about a 3.5-mile loop! You can go much further though and the trails are a beginner to moderate! Although I came home on this trip - you can check out my favorite places including the Magnolia Silo’s and Pinewood Roaster’s Coffee! If you’ve been there, I’d love to hear your recommendations! Leave me a comment or send me DM on social!

Cameron Park, Waco, TX

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