Listen To Your Inner Voice

Three Heel Clicks - Listen to Your Inner Voice

Are you one of those people that gets a strong sense of direction in the pit of your stomach? Like there’s something inside of you urging you to move one way or another? I am that person. I’ve always had a strong intuition but growing up and into my early adulthood, I didn’t always pay attention to it. In fact, sometimes I would rationalize against it. As I’ve aged (hello 35 almost 36) I’ve learned to trust that inner voice. The inner voice doesn’t steer me wrong. In fact, every time I’ve gone against it I’ve later regretted it. I believe intuition is just as important as what our minds can come up with. I find humans rationalize emotional and illogical choices to justify doing them. I also find that we lead so often with our heads and not our hearts.

Three Heel Clicks - Listen to Your Inner Voice

There will be times where your inner voice is saying to keep going when your logical brain says you’ve done too much. There will also be times when you need to rest and take time to refill your cup. If you are constantly feeling down, stressed, or out of energy spend some time being quiet to figure it out. It’s not a coincidence that your emotions are consistently feeling that way. Look inward and you’ll figure out what you need. I shared about this on Facebook in a live yesterday, but I personally needed a break recently. I had been working overtime, helping my daughter go through healing after elbow surgery, finishing virtual school with her for the school year, and not giving my body enough downtime. I took a solo trip and used the time to get creative, rest and refill my own cup. When you take care of yourself you have more to give to others.

What do you need to change in your life to keep your mental health in check? Are you currently going through a low or rough period? A few ways I manage my valleys in life are through journaling, counseling, and also long walks in nature. I find the solitude allows me to have room to breathe. I believe everything is figureoutable if you give yourself a chance and stay positive. I don’t believe staying positive means being overly enthusiastic but instead means keeping your head up and working through tough situations with hope and intention. You can do hard things. You can make it through. Keep your eyes on your goals and you will find your way in life.

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