Fitness is a Mindset

Three Heel Clicks - Fitness is a Mindset

I’m sure you’ve heard this phrase before but MINDSET IS EVERYTHING. Whether you think you can or can’t, you are right. I wish I could tell my younger self this. The mind is so powerful and when you are on a fitness journey it will take a mental push to hit your goals. A few months ago I began running. For the first time in my life at age 35 I decided to start and just work my way up to 30 minutes. Each day I showed up and just did it. I pushed myself a little harder and a little harder by adding a minute or two on. Before I knew it I was at two and three miles. A month later I decided to begin training for a 10k.

Three days a week I would show up and each week I added a half mile on. I started listening to audio books while I ran and told my body to just keep going until the timer went off. Before the end of March I was up to four and miles in 43 minutes. It was a huge milestone in my life! Then, I went on a hike and sprained an ankle. I was down and out for two full weeks. It swelled and ached but I knew I would need to give it time to heal.

After a sprain a few weeks ago I’ve had to REBUILD. Rebuilding is part of life In business, in parenting, in relationships. This time I started at 1.0 mile. When I began running for first time in February I started at 2.5 minutes! Rebuilding is so different! I now know it’s possible to get to 4.5 miles (when the injury occurred). I know how pace and breathe. I’ve been there - it’s time to work my way back up!

So two weeks ago I began again with 1.0 mile... then 2.0... and I’m back to 3.0. I will push to 4.0 this weekend!! I had to restructure my plan and reset deadlines and milestones. It’s a choice to show up. It’s a choice to be positive. It’s a choice to keep going. What are you in the process of rebuilding?

Check out these fitness posts to get you inspired:

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