Posts in Spiritual
How to Stop Worrying and Take Back Your Power

For the past year and a half, I have a confession to make. I spiraled. I’m not sure exactly what spurred it on, but I went down a worry wormhole like none other. Part of it felt like it started at the beginning of pregnancy. As my therapist and I discussed the why over this past year she brought to my attention that it was likely a form of protection like a mama bear would have with her cubs. None the less it got to a point where I felt like I couldn’t go a day without fear arising. Trauma in life can do some crazy things to the brain. It can carve channels that spur fear by creating neurological connections. That’s the science behind it, and the good news is - you can change it. It’s called neuroplasticity. Both prayer and meditation are proven to rewire the brain. Today I’m going to share a few ways you can take your power back and let go of worrying for life.

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10 Things I Learned This Year

This past year has amounted to an extreme amount of growth. Almost a year ago, I made the decision to go back to one-on-one counseling to sort out some stuff that was surfacing emotionally in my life. It was so hard, but I finally feel like I’m on the upswing and things are more manageable. It’s easy to make excuses in our lives for behaviors we did when we were not at our best. It’s also really easy to blame others for the things that went wrong. Ultimately, accepting full responsibility for my life has given me freedom and inner power I did not know a few years ago. I’m going to share with you today 10 Things I Learned this Year in hopes of inspiring you to rise above your current state of being into a higher version of yourself.

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When You Hear God Calling, Listen

For the past year, I’ve struggled to feel spiritually challenged. For most of my life, I’ve constantly sought to expand my spiritual knowledge and push myself to educate myself about theology, religion, spiritual topics, and the bible. I’ve studied the Bible in depth for the past 30 years dissecting it, cross referencing, and getting involved in small group Bible studies to understand God better and what his word says. I’ve also studied a plethora of other spiritual practices and viewpoints including angel numbers, numerology, Buddhism the history behind the Islamic religion, and Catholicism practices. I wanted to truly understand the world’s viewpoints on faith, hope, righteousness, and what God had to say about them.

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Sparkle From Within

Sometimes we don’t need a long blog post, we just need a quick reminder and that’s just what I’m here to do for you. Remind you that you were created for something purposeful. You were created to shine a light on this world. You were created to shine. So go now…shine bright like a diamond.

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Word of the Year: VITALITY

It may be February and I’m a minute late to the game but better late than never. As I realize the Earth’s energy is going to keep speeding up I’ve given myself so much more grace for emotions to roll in and out. For the first time in most of my life I am allowing every emotion to surface, be categorized and processed and then released. It hasn’t been an easy process but it is leading me to more vitality.

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