Posts in How To
How to Stop Worrying and Take Back Your Power

For the past year and a half, I have a confession to make. I spiraled. I’m not sure exactly what spurred it on, but I went down a worry wormhole like none other. Part of it felt like it started at the beginning of pregnancy. As my therapist and I discussed the why over this past year she brought to my attention that it was likely a form of protection like a mama bear would have with her cubs. None the less it got to a point where I felt like I couldn’t go a day without fear arising. Trauma in life can do some crazy things to the brain. It can carve channels that spur fear by creating neurological connections. That’s the science behind it, and the good news is - you can change it. It’s called neuroplasticity. Both prayer and meditation are proven to rewire the brain. Today I’m going to share a few ways you can take your power back and let go of worrying for life.

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Five Ways to Change Your Flow

As we get to the end of January, I realize it’s been a little bit of a tough month for a lot of us. As the new year approached, I was feeling an urge to switch things up. I recently shared in this post it was just time for change. Although the new year has new goals, themes, and milestones planned… I really struggled with thought patterns. Instead of ruminating or brooding, I found myself aching for mental change. Change your environment and you will find that new energy flows. I learned this concept back in Interior Design school and studied Feng Shui. Energy is everywhere and when we need to make a mental or emotional change, look to change the environment. Today I’m sharing five ways to change your daily flow which will, in turn, change your mindset.

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How to Overcome Insecurities

Insecurities are something we all have. Many of them were formed in childhood and then reinforced throughout our teenage and adult lives. For some of us the insecurity lies in our physical looks (here is a great post for how to have a better body image) but for others, our insecurities lie in feeling loved in our relationships. I’ve been going through intense therapy this year and we’ve been digging deep into my childhood, doing shadow work, and healing my inner child. I’ll share a few ways that therapy has helped me over this past year and what I’m currently working on.

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30 Days of Outfits: Day 13

For today’s look, I paired the cutest blazer and fleece-lined jeans from Luvamia available on Amazon. I threw on a V-neck tank top and my new favorite two-toned pumps that are so ladylike from Elizee’s. Designed with ultimate comfort in mind! I think this heel height is perfect for a workday or luncheon. I finished things off with one of my favorite black purses from Michael Kors complete with gold hardware that matches my Kendra Scott gold filigree earrings.

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30 Days of Outfits: Day 9

I hope you guys are having an incredible week so far. Can you believe 2022 is just days from being over? I’ll be doing some recaps shortly but wanted to share a quick 30 Days of Outfits post. I paired this gorgeous burgundy dress with matching burgundy pumps from Jenn Ardor. I love the lace sleeves on this form-fitting dress made out of the softest cotton. The sleeves are comfortable and this look is perfect for Valentine’s Day which will literally be right around the corner. I wore it with a pair of gold filagree hoops from Kendra Scott and threw on this cream coat from HM. Such a timeless and classic look! This outfit is also perfect for being a wedding or event guest, a gala, and a date! You can shop the entire look here!

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Tips to Combat Depression

The thing is… sometimes we have to have emotional lows to get back to the highs. It’s a contrast. When we have to let go of something really big in life oftentimes we are left with an emptiness. That emptiness takes time to refill. So what can you do?

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Slowing Down

I’ve been told my whole life I needed to slow down. A life of 12 cities in my first 17 years as a military brat conditioned me to feel like I always had to keep moving. I kept up that pattern in my 20’s and 30’s.

It didn’t matter where I lived, the maximum I could stay anywhere was 2 years before feeling like I needed to switch… switched companies I worked for, switch positions, switch challenges, switch homes…

Some of you experienced a life of constant movement and chaos. You know the feeling I’m describing. It was a need to constantly take on something more because I felt empty. And I longed to feel at home… but nothing was home. It felt like each job, location, and each overcome challenge felt like I was putting clothes on that weren’t me.

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Boss Up Course Launching on 10/22

Happy Monday friends! What a whirlwind of a weekend. I spent so much of it getting a ton of downtime in. I hope you found ways to recharge, rest, and refill your cup. So many updates for you today! First, the Glow Up course launched last week and was a huge success! It’s a two-day course that will help you create a plan with achievable results in 30 days.

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Glow Up Course Launching on 10/10

It will include how to get your glow back through a variety of methods - nourishing, rest, affirmation, and more. You will walk away with a better outlook and tools to help you roll into the holidays with your inner glow! Cannot wait to see you there

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How To Blog: Photography Tips

If you missed my first post in this How to Blog series I talked about five ways you can make money on your blog. You can read that post here, and today I’m continuing the series to share more tips and tricks with you. A key element for any blog is photography. Whether you are snapping pictures of food for recipes creating or you work in the tech world and are delivering copy on wide area networks you still need pictures for your posts! There are a few reasons - first, it helps optimize your page when you add alt text behind graphics. That allows search engines like Google and Pinterest to find your blog. Spiders will crawl your page to look for strings of keywords that are relevant searches, but images help boost your visibility!

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How to Wear Converse Sneakers with a Dress

Did you know that the most popular post I’ve done in 10 years was how to wear converse sneakers if you’re petite! Month after month that single post gets more views than any other piece of content. I figured it was long overdue to share a follow-up to that post with how to wear converse sneakers with a dress. Because… spring is coming! Today I’m going to give tips for anybody's height or shape! These are pretty universal and perfect for getting organized for Spring Break this year. Here are a few ways tips for how to wear converse sneakers with a dress.

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Patio Decor 101

My family is originally from the deep south and porches are a thing for anyone who lives in Alabama. Although I call Texas home, there are a few things from my childhood I’ve carried over here, and having a porch to relax on is a necessity. I recently made a few updates to my patio to include DIY paper lantern outdoor light shades. You basically tie a few paper lanterns together with thread and hang over the ugly old light fixture. Also, a fantastic idea for a party! My outdoor sconces are pretty deepest into the porch, so I’m not worried about wind damage. I went ahead and put together a few tips for decorating your patio!

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How to Blog: Five Steps to Getting Started

I’m going to be sharing more content around how to start a blog! A few weeks ago, I created the first post in this series and share five ways to make money blogging. Today’s topic is going to build on the next step in creating your blog. You’ll need to do some basics like choosing a platform, registering a domain name, and setting up social accounts. Don’t worry, all bloggers got started doing the same thing you are doing right now. Use this blog post as a checklist and schedule time in your calendar to complete each task. Before you know it, you’ll be posting in no time!

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Weekend Getaway: What I’m Packing

The past 6 months I have traveled every few weeks somewhere for the weekend. Work, events, and campaigns have taken me all over the place. When you are in a constant travel mode you get accustomed to having some sort of system to pack or you won’t know your right from your left hand. I’ve curated a list of must-haves for most of my trips regardless of the climate. I recommend always bringing something for warm weather (places heat up) and something for cold weather (cold fronts happen). I’ve written a bunch of posts over the years on packing here but today I’m going to focus on classic items you can bring for your next weekend getaway.

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How to Handle Change in Your Life

This week has already started with a crazy change in my life. Sometimes change is expected and sometimes it hits you like a freight train. This week, it was the freight train for me. The one thing I’ve come to realize as I grow older is that change is inevitable. Nothing in life is static and the key to inner peace and happiness is being able to go within yourself instead of depending on your exterior circumstances. Relationships dissolve sometimes, companies make directional changes, and new opportunities will present themselves. The best thing you can possibly do for yourself is to take care of yourself. Here are a few ways I’ve found navigating change to be more digestible in life.

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My Morning Routine: GRWM (Get Ready With Me)

Confession: I’m a morning person. Yep, I know several of you reading right now are rolling your eyes while others are giving me a virtual high-five… but it’s true. I’ve always been a morning pop tart rising before my family. I understand now that not everyone starts their morning at the same time as I do, but we all have to eventually get up and get going. Those first few hours are important if you want to lay a foundation for a positive, productive, and intentional day.

Speaking of being productive and intentional - if you haven’t signed up for my newsletter you must do so now! (No SPAM I promise) There is exclusive content in there and anyone who signs up between now and 3/9/22 will be entered in a giveaway to receive a FREE mascara ($31 value!) You can sign up for the newsletter here!

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How to Be More of Who You Are

For years I tried on different lifestyles trying to figure out which one was mine. I tried being the housewife, the adventurer, the breadwinner, the holistic momma, the corporate go-getter, and much more. I needed to go through an elimination process to figure out what I wasn’t before defining what I would be. I think that’s okay. Not all of us come out of the womb knowing our life path. Four years ago I began a journey of self-discovery. I spent more time alone than I ever have to learn about myself, other people, noting what I liked and disliked. I explored destinations alone and reflected in a new journal every month. Pages upon pages were written trying to connect the dots of who I used to be to who I am now. I am told that only a small percentage of people are self-aware. I yearned to be a part of that group. The more I discovered about myself the more I became intentional in my choices resulting in more peace and joy than I knew before. If you are at a similar place in life where you just ache to be more of who you are here are a few things that might help.

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How to Design a Colorful Open Living Room and Floorplan

I have been dying to share with you guys my living room for some time now! I moved into this house over the summer and life has been a blur ever since. I did an insane amount of travel the past six months and am finally spending some time at home. I actually decorated the living room right when I moved in, but I didn’t love the layout. After the Christmas decor was finally put away mid-month I configured a better layout for the space. Sometimes you need to spend time in a space to really see the best way for it to be used. I’ve been making it a point to paint more often and finally added a newly finished painting above the TV and entertainment wall. It’s been so therapeutic to play around with color when I’m home. I’ll share a few tips about creating a colorful living room of your own. Not a single new item (outside of the canvas for the painting) was purchased for this space. I actually used things from my last apartment which was very modern and chic - you can see them here for yourself. I added pops of color throughout the space to give this huge open floorplan character. One last thing before we get started, I made no structural or textile changes to any of the surfaces. All tips below are perfect whether you are renting a home or you are a homeowner!

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How to Blog: Five Ways to Make Money Blogging

Lately, I’ve been getting a ton of questions about starting a blog and how to make money on social media. I figured it was a sign to start a new series here on Three Heel Clicks to help answer these questions I’m getting in my inbox. I love hearing from you guys! Please keep the questions and comments coming - it brightens my day so much! Here we go into a new journey together titled, “How to Blog” - this is the first of many posts. I’ll be sharing more about my blogging journey, what tools have helped me grow and what the industry looks like right now. I will also share with you how-to guides to build your blog, monetize it and build a business around it. For exclusive content, post updates, and more you need to subscribe to my newsletter ASAP! You’ll get access to content I will not be sharing anywhere else. You can sign up here or use the form below! Okay now, let’s look at how to monetize your blog. I’m jumping ahead in blogging because most people want to know what the money looks like to see if it’s worth their time and energy as a trade-off. I’m breaking down monetization for your blog into five basic categories below.

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How I Was Able to Overcome a Fear of Heights on Pike Peak's Summit

If you are new around here you probably should note that I still go on hikes often because I love the outdoors so dang much! After spending a few days in West Texas hiking and driving through both Caprock Canyons and Palo Duro Canyon I decided to head more north to celebrate New Year’s in Colorado Springs, CO. I’ve made several trips to Colorado over the years with friends but this was the first time alone. I decided that if I only did one epic activity it was to get to Pikes Peak Summit. I quickly researched the ways to get to the top - you can hike about 14 miles… um… no thank you. That’s pretty aggressive to get to one of the tallest peaks in the US. You can drive it but winds a lot and steep grades. It is Winter… and again… no thank you. Then, I stumbled across the train! You can take a three-hour round trip up 9 miles on a train to reach Pikes Peak Summit. That I could manage!

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