Posts tagged Reflection
10 Things I Learned This Year

This past year has amounted to an extreme amount of growth. Almost a year ago, I made the decision to go back to one-on-one counseling to sort out some stuff that was surfacing emotionally in my life. It was so hard, but I finally feel like I’m on the upswing and things are more manageable. It’s easy to make excuses in our lives for behaviors we did when we were not at our best. It’s also really easy to blame others for the things that went wrong. Ultimately, accepting full responsibility for my life has given me freedom and inner power I did not know a few years ago. I’m going to share with you today 10 Things I Learned this Year in hopes of inspiring you to rise above your current state of being into a higher version of yourself.

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When is it Enough?

Today’s topic is heavy, but necessary after I realized that even the biggest and most successful people struggle with this issue: The Issue of Not Being Good Enough. I was watching the gorgeous Taylor Swift yesterday as she narrates her documentary on fame, success and her own journey through life’s toughest moments in front of millions of people. Heck - Taylor reaches billions at this point. Throughout the course of the film she shares issues with having an eating disorder, mental challenges, loneliness and the struggles of reaching the top. Needless to say I was pretty moved at three pm sitting on my sofa and tearing up like a gigantic baby. She’s right. All of those are real issues and they share a single common denominator: self-worth.

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I'm Too Busy...

How many times have you heard or said that over the past month? I mean seriously. Think about it. How many times? Forty? Hundreds? Thousands? If your like most of us the end of the year means piling one more thing on top of an already full plate. It means saying yes to a last minute invite when all you want is to crawl into your bed. It means extra glitter (which is the herpes of all craft supplies) requiring a NASA grade vacuum cleaner to remove all remnants. Yes, we know you are busy and we are too. I am no better at this thing called life than you are but I do have something going for myself - perspective. A positive perspective. I’m an eternal optimist and even when things are tough you’ll find me pushing hard to get through to the gold.

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