What You Really Should Be Doing With 5 Minutes

Because we all need a reminder to take it slower.

Yes, you heard me. This boss babe right here is intentionally going slower in life. For the first time, ever. I’ve put extra time in between tasks. I’ve taken things off my to-do list. I’ve spent the last few months asking myself what is really important. I’ve gone inward to figure out my priorities. I’ve taken tons of time to journal, reflect and pray. The thing I’ve learned is that we can become addicted to anything including activity. Next time you are wondering what you should be doing with an extra five minutes? Breathe. Yep. Sit down and take 5 minutes to just breathe. I promise your entire life will change from implementing this one tactic. Your heart rate will be calmer. Your thoughts will be clearer. You will feel less rushed. You will be recharged.

Instead of doing one more thing why don’t you try to do one less? Become a minimalist at what you put on your to-do list. Then, cross off those minimal things one at a time. For more tips on how to make your entire life Level Up - check out my new course that just launched Module 2! You can watch that module over on Facebook. It’s under 20 minutes and has so much to offer around manifesting the life of your dreams. Perfect to throw on in the background when you are running that next errand in the car. Make sure you leave me a comment and let me know you stopped by the blog.

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