Valentine's Day Stay At Home Outfit and Date Ideas

Dress: Cynthia Rowley (love this one, also love and wore this budget-friendly Amazon one)

Lipstick: Younique in Wealthy

Location: Home sweet heel clicks - College station, tx

Can you believe it’s almost February? Goodness! This month has been amazing but flying by quickly. I don’t know about you, but these days I spend a good amount of time cocooning at home. I travel so much that when I’m home, I’m home. One thing that really helps my mental health is having my home in order and full of things that bring a smile to my heart - fresh flowers, my vintage ashtray that holds a deck of pink playing cards from Rosemary Beach, and soft cozy throw blankets. Lighting a single candle on my coffee table or flipping through a stack of interior design magazines are little joys that make it perfect for a cold, rainy day. When you find the right person, snuggling up in the cocoon of a home makes it even better. Here are a few ways to make a stay-at-home date night perfect this Valentine’s Day!

Get Dressed

Getting myself dressed makes all the difference in my mood on a daily basis. I’m a work-from-home gal, so changing into my “ZOOM meeting” clothes is necessary if I plan to meet with people virtually. Same with a good ‘ole fashioned date night. Maybe you’re the kind of couple that plays video games at all hours of the night or maybe you’re the couple that usually watches a movie on the couch - whatever you guys are, plans out an outfit. I love wearing something red or you can see a bunch of pink outfit ideas here! This beautiful dress I’m wearing today is by Cynthia Rowley. The fit is impeccable and the color is the perfect shade of red to match the classic red lipstick I wear all the time. You can add a cute pair of feather-trimmed slippers or get a pedicure and go barefoot. Lipstick, a dress, and a little nail polish will go far for your romantic night in.

Set the Scene

One of the things you’ll find here on Three Heel Clicks is that I love a good scene. It can be organizing the contents inside my toiletry drawer or photographing at the beach - aesthetics matter. I’ve felt that way my entire life. I operate better when I’m in an environment with good vibes, beautiful textures, and colors that are appealing to my palette. If your home is a wreck, take some time next weekend to clear out the clutter. Grab a trash bag and discard things like empty boxes, packaging, and actual trash laying around. Afterward, grab a laundry basket and collect all the items out of place. Sort the contents and then put away everything. Once you clear out unnecessary belongings you’ll be able to see what you can do with the space. If you are cooking a nice meal at home then look at setting a beautiful table. I used a combo of red and pink vintage plates I’ve collected over the years. Pull out a few candles and make a song playlist for the evening. If you are looking to play video games or watch movies all night consider new floor pillows or even better - build a huge palette on the floor for the evening. I love moving the mattress off my bed and creating a whole scene in the living room. It’s so fun to lay for hours with your date and laugh at comedies or snuggly to scary movies.

Think About Food and beverage

Everyone likes to eat and when people are fed they are less cranky. I love looking at Pinterest for fun entertaining ideas on holidays! Did you know Pinterest is just a giant search engine? It’s like Google but with pictures! If you are looking to cook anything, go to Pinterest. You can read comments and even see if people have tried the recipe before. I really love to cook out of Sweet Laurel’s Sweet and Savory Cookbooks. Find something now and try to make it so it’s not brand new! You have time! If you are doing a movie or game night, consider a popcorn tray with tons of things to mix in like movie theater candy and flavors! There are so many options so get creative. Your partner will appreciate the extra touch! For beverages, you can pick out something signature for the night. I love ginger beer with a dash of grenadine - so simple and tasty. Think about the entire experience you want to have with your loved one and then make a list to go to the store. Shop at least a week in advance to decrease stress.

Make sure to Take Care of YOU FIrst

No one likes a frazzled host. Whether you are doing something special for a partner or spouse, or this is early in your dating journey with someone you have to take some time for yourself first. If possible drop the kids off with the babysitter early or rent them a movie so they can stay occupied while you get ready. If you need to occupy the kiddos, give them an incentive to let you get ready (a treat they normally do not get). When I was younger and my parents had date night they usually got us a Kid’s Cuisine. We loved them and they were such a treat (sprinkles in my pudding?! yes, please!). If you need your me time early, then try getting up before everyone that day and take a good long bath with bubbles or shower. It’s okay to take time for you! Valentine’s Day is an expression of love and whether you’re single or taken - you still have to love you, too!

I’d love to hear your ideas for Valentine’s Day this year! Shoot me a DM on Instagram or leave a comment below!

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