Goodbye 2023... Hello 2024

Three Heel Clicks - Goodbye 2023... Hello 2024

Dress: Amazon // Shoes: Elisabet Tang // Earrings: Amazon

Happy New Year! I know we are already over a week into 2024, but I took some time over the first week to set intentions for the year. I hope each of you had an amazing time over the holidays and found ways to celebrate with your loved ones. Before fully moving into the new year I wanted to take a few minutes and highlight last year and share a little about my journey during 2023.

Beginning in January, my fiance and I chose the word VITALITY for our theme word to kick off the year. Our goal was to align our work, home life, health, and all things to become full of vitality. We did just that! We improved our health to the point that we even got pregnant halfway through the year. Not sure how much more vitality you can have than creating another human!

During the Spring I launched a new line of apparel designed to help remind you to get through tough times. It included a KEEP GOING racerback tank top and t-shirt, a cropped YOU CAN DO HARD THINGS sweatshirt, and then a SOBER IS SEXY cropped tee. Thank you so much for all of the incredible support and your purchases! I also started individual counseling to address my inner child and have attended weekly since then. It was some of the hardest work I’ve ever done but paying off so much!

During the Summer we moved into a new home, found out we were going to have a baby and I began to work with a ton of brands on collaborations. This year I worked with more brands than I ever have and so thankful for each of them. I also attended my 20th year high school reunion and we headed to Galveston for a birthday trip. The Summer was eventful, emotional, and incredible.

As the Fall approached and I hit my second trimester I felt another shift happening. I began doing more and more social media content, joined a referral partner group, and focused more on my mental health. Healing your inner child is not an overnight thing and has continued throughout the end of the year. In November, we headed to Colorado for a work trip and Marshall proposed to me! It was a dream come true and I cannot wait to spend the rest of my life with him.

Finally, Winter blew in and we finished the year with a trip to Port Aransas and prepping for baby. We decided to have a natural birth with a midwife and have been preparing the way through meditation, exercises, healthy living, and natural remedies. As I close out the year I wanted to thank each one of you for all of your encouragement along the way. Truly grateful for another year on this planet and I look forward to 2024!

Here is a quick recap of my top posts….

With love, Crystal